Friday, 27th March 2009  19:30

Cheminée Raum, Gasthof Hirschen, Kirchdorf


Ethnic Indian Textiles


A mirror into India’s Culture, Traditions & Heritage



The enchanting world of

Indian Textiles will be

unveiled to you: A world

seeped in traditions,

dyed in countless

colours, designed in

divine inspirations and

woven and adorned with

an innumerate variety of

motifs and patterns!


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Leading us into this world will be Mrs. Neera Mallick, who is a postgraduate in Textile Sciences and Design from the University of Delhi, India.







NB. All events which are organized by members of ESC Baden / Brugg are not covered by insurance. Neither ESC Baden / Brugg nor the organizing members assume any liability whatsoever. Insurance against accidents, third-party liability and other risks is the sole responsibility of the participant.”